
The latest news and updates from Imubit.

The recent COVID-19 outbreak caused a major disruption to peoples’ movements around the world, resulting in a very sharp curtailment of international air travel. Demand for jet fuel, normally a high value refined product and one of the easiest products to sell, was suddenly at record lows with negative crack spreads recorded in all markets. […]

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The pitch “So, how does your platform work?,” you ask the artificial intelligence (AI) Industry 4.0 vendor. “Well, our agnostic AI technology feeds on all of your data sources in real time, and generates predictions, warnings, prescriptions, and recommendations that help you optimize your yield and throughput, while minimizing your losses.” He continues with a […]

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The Covid-19 global pandemic’s effects on markets and how manufacturers continue to adapt to this market disruption Welcome to the first in a monthly series of market analysis and commentary articles brought to you by the Imubit Economic Engineering team. These will provide interesting and timely content centered around hydrocarbon markets and economics including transportation […]

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The energy sector is undergoing an unprecedented global shift. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly transforming enterprises across all facets of the hydrocarbon industry. Imubit develops novel AI to help energy and chemical operators survive and thrive. We are developing new technologies and processes, tackling engineering problems that were considered impossible even 5 years ago. We […]

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