Are you looking for a competitive edge in today’s low-margin refining market? Whether your feedstock is relatively consistent or varies wildly, your economic and operation teams make weekly, daily and hourly adjustments to each unit in an effort to optimize each process. But there are some processes that are just too hard to optimize with the current tools available to you.
Today’s market presents so many ever-changing factors, from varying feedstock composition and equipment disturbances, to regulatory and environmental variations – it’s become impossible to capture all the dynamic relationships with your current models. That’s exactly why we built Imubit – the first artificial intelligence (AI) closed-loop neural network technology developed specifically for oil refineries and other hydrocarbon processors.
Our AI process optimization technology helps refiners break through these optimization challenges. It’s not a generic AI solution targeting all industries, but next-generation artificial intelligence that focuses on the nuances of how oil refineries operate and can be run in closed-loop driven by planners with full operator controllability.
Featured deep learning application for refineries
Over the last few years, we have developed 6 types of strategic refining applications and field proven them with our tier-1 refining clients. These applications are uniquely tailored to our Closed Loop Neural Network™ technology, and we consider them highly proprietary.
Request access to our strategic DLPC refining application catalog >
Learn about how Imubit’s AI technology helps refineries discover, engineer and monetize new facility margin opportunities:
Generalized first-principle economic models
Steady-state baseline models
Performance dashboards
Process modeling platform
Deep learning process models
Dynamic relationships visualization
Pre-optimized truly dynamic controller
Open-loop simulations
Process control network software
Control room application
Customizable dashboards
Remote monitoring
Imubit’s team understands what we’re trying to do from an operating and an economics perspective. Their Closed Loop Neural Network™ technology and their approach have aligned everyone from planning and operations around a shared goal of maximizing production profits.”
-Process control and optimization manager