Cement Manufacturing

Closed Loop AI for
the Kilns of the Future

Imubit’s Deep Learning Process Control®
technology maximizes productivity
and efficiency to profitably achieve
sustainability objectives.

Cement Manufacturing Accounts for 8% of Global Emissions

That 8% accounts for between 25-35% of all industrial sector emissions. But cement is also a critical component of global development. Society relies on cement as the key ingredient in concrete – the world’s most used material in the construction of buildings, roads, bridges, and dams. Manufacturers are attempting to meet the demand growth brought on by the growing global population and increased urbanization, while also working towards 2030 and 2050 decarbonization pledges. Full decarbonization will require capital investment in R&D and new facilities, but cement manufacturers can leverage Imubit’s closed loop AI process optimization to increase efficiency and make progress on sustainability goals TODAY.

Imubit is your solution to meet demand, responsibly.

Clinker Production stats
finish mill icon
Finish Mill Production stats
energy efficiency icon
Cement manufacturing Energy Efficiency sttats

Maximize Pyro
System Efficiency

Imubit’s Deep Learning Process Control (DLPC) technology is optimizing the kiln’s pyro system to maximize throughput and energy efficiency while meeting fCaO targets. DLPC provides increased stability of kiln controls enabling real-time adjustments that improve process reliability and uptime. The benefits compound as improved clinker quality reduces load on finishing mills alleviating throughput constraints.

Cement Calcination Control graph

Operators tend to overburn Clinker in an attempt to maintain a stable operation, which results in more energy consumption and lower quality clinker.

Separator Load graph

Due to variable Clinker quality, the relationship between separator speed and load is variable, and must be dynamically managed in order to maximize throughput while maintaining Blaine specifications.

Eliminate Finished
Quality Giveaway

Imubit’s Deep Learning Process Control (DLPC) technology is automating finishing mill optimization, dynamically responding to changes in clinker quality. DLPC models nonlinear relationships between mill throughput and separator speed to meet optimal Blaine specifications in real-time while maximizing throughput.

Don’t just take our word for it.
Imubit customers share their success stories.

Oxbow’s smart kiln decarbonizes through yield improvement

Discover Monroe Energy’s key to staying competitive in a crowded market

Driving organizational adoption and data-driven culture at Delek

Meet critical infrastructure demand sustainably.

It all starts with Imubit.

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