In eget fringilla est. Nam in tellus ante. Praesent tincidunt nulla vitae laoreet eleifend. Maecenas in venenatis arcu. Maecenas eleifend, velit eget dignissim iaculis, augue nibh blandit augue, nec congue neque nibh sit amet urna. Aliquam id risus eget tellus mattis hendrerit. Praesent ullamcorper libero sed aliquam pellentesque. Nulla fermentum quam eu odio pellentesque molestie. Maecenas eget vestibulum enim, quis vehicula mauris. Nunc arcu justo, gravida ac erat ac, dictum sagittis libero. Ut sodales lectus quis leo accumsan tempor sed id purus. Phasellus volutpat, nibh non ultrices gravida, lorem lacus maximus sapien, vitae posuere libero metus ac lectus.
Meet the Speakers

Professor Nadav Cohen
Chief Scientist
Nadav is the inventor and scientific leader behind Imubit’s Deep Learning Process Control® technology. With over 15 years as one of the leaders advancing the fields of AI and ML, he has won numerous awards including the Google Doctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning. He is also currently a professor at Tel Aviv University.

Abi Mukund
Head of Product Strategy
Abi leads company positioning and determines long term developments in Imubit’s product. Previously, he led the Implementation Engineering Team and has about 10 years in industry working at LyondellBassell in process engineering and experience in controls and planning & economics.

Ran Rosin
Vice President, Products
Ran leads the company’s product group, setting the product vision and growth strategy. He has more than 20 years of experience. Before joining Imubit, Ran was the Director of Product Management at Imperva, where he initiated and led Imperva’s cloud data security SaaS platform.

May 9
Doors open
Pick up your badge and connect with peers over coffee.
Imubit Introduction
Technology Session
AI in Refining and Petrochemicals
Reinforcement Learning Overview & Deep Learning Process Control Deep Dive
Coffee Break
Doors open
Pick up your badge and connect with peers over coffee.
Sessions, demos, and hands-on learning
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Aenean varius nibh nisl, nec tincidunt nulla faucibus eget. Cras vel velit vel justo bibendum mattis.
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