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The Keys to Success: Transforming Plant Operations with Closed Loop AI Optimization (AIO)

Oct 29, 2024

By Allison Buenemann, Product Marketing Manager at Imubit

At the recent Transcend AI Tech Summit, a panel of industry leaders from Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Delek, and Oxbow shared experiences, best practices and insights for rolling out AI in industrial organizations. People were at the heart of the conversation of how different functions come together around a single Foundation Process Model™, the AI technology underlying Imubit’s Optimizing Brain™ Solution. 

Panelists took us on their full AI transformation journey, from how they set the right evaluation criteria through how they continue capturing value through all phases of the project lifecycle. Their keys to their successful integration of Closed Loop AI Optimization (AIO) into their daily plant operations shared these 5 themes.


  1. AI Optimization Matched to the Right Problem

A key benefit highlighted by all three panelists is the ability of the AI Optimization (AIO) to optimize complex processes that hadn’t been solved before. Oxbow successfully modernized its kiln operations, transitioning from no process control to AIO technology. Marathon Petroleum reduced sub-optimal coke drum cycles by 25% by building on top of existing advanced process controls (APC). The challenge was very different for these two companies. Marathon Petroleum needed AIO to overcome nonlinear process dynamics they weren’t able to do with APC. Oxbow needed a closed loop optimization and control solution that was fast to deploy and didn’t require them to build in-house APC expertise.


  1. Attract and Develop an Upskilled Workforce

A shared challenge addressed was the industry’s need to build, attract, and retain a workforce of modern technology champions and practitioners. Oxbow observed that integrating AIO into their operations helped attract and retain young engineering talent, providing them cutting-edge tools to learn from rather than the industry standard…. spreadsheets. This aligns employees’ personal development aspirations with futuristic company goals, building a culture of curiosity and empowering employees to challenge the status quo.


  1. Explore Both Single- and Multi-Unit Optimization

The AIO applications at Delek highlight the breadth of applications possible with the technology. They range from single units to multi-unit models that capture the influence of each individual model on complex product streams like their distillate system. They started with optimization models for individual units, then linked models within the same product system together with a hierarchical model. This “parent” model helps ensure they find a system-wide, rather than unit-wide optimum to drive them to the best economic outcome.


  1. Be Agile and Open to New Ways of Working

The general sentiment amongst the panelists and the broader Transcend audience was a nod to a shift in AI perception. People will never be fully removed from the operation of industrial process plants. The mindset shift of AI as a people replacement to AI as something that helps a person to do their job more effectively is empowering employees to get creative with how they think about AI without fear of making themselves irrelevant. 


  1. Promote Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Imubit employees play a very active role in ensuring the success of all Closed Loop AIO applications. Part of the model commissioning process involves training all client teams on the use of the technology, including how it can be used collaboratively between teams that historically hadn’t had much interaction. The panel highlighted how the democratization of AI within companies of all sizes is opening communications avenues previously unseen in process optimization and control.


The unified view that forms around Imubit’s Foundation Process Model™ in the Optimizing Brain™ Solution provides a unique opportunity for operating companies of all sizes to capture value—increasing efficiencies, enabling employee development, and broadening optimization horizons across operations. 



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